Menu Commands


Trivia: the Transmit menu is also known as the title menu.


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About Transmit

Show version/build/copyright information.

Check for Updates…

Manually check for an updated version of Transmit to install.


Open the Settings to configure application settings.


Access the system-wide Services menu.

Hide Transmit

Hide all Transmit windows.

Hide Others

Hide all non-Transmit windows.

Show All

Show any hidden windows.

Quit Transmit

Stop all transfers and exit the application.


New Window

Create a new Transmit window. The left and right pane will follow the preference in Settings.

New Tab

Create a new tab in the current window.

New Folder

Create a new folder (“untitled folder”) in the current pane.

New File

Create a new file (“untitled file”) in the current pane.

Close Window

Close this window, along with any open tabs.

Close Tab

Close this tab in the current window.


Disconnect from the currently connected remote server.


Open the currently selected file or folder. If nothing is selected, bring up a local file picker dialog to choose a file or folder to open.

Open Recent

Choose a file from the list of recently-opened files.


Save any changes to the file currently open in Transmit’s editor.

Edit in Transmit

Open this file in Transmit’s built-in text editor.

Preview in Browser

Open this file in your default web browser.

Get Info

Show the Get Info panel for this file.


Delete this file. You will be asked to confirm. If the item is local it will be moved to the trash. If it’s remote, it will be deleted immediately.


Move this item to a new location. Not all servers support Move operations, so Transmit may need to download a local copy of the item, delete the remote version, then upload it to the new location.


Make a copy of this item in its current location. Not all servers support Duplicate, so Transmit may need to download a local copy first, then upload with a new name alongside the original.


For local items, use the system tool Archive Utility to create a zip archive containing this file or folder.

Quick Look

View this file using Quick Look.

Remote files will be downloaded to a cache folder first, so be careful using Quick Look on large files.


Rename this file or folder.


Manage the Finder tags for this item.

Finder tags are not supported on remote servers.

Show in Finder

Open a Finder window showing this item in its parent folder.

Open with Finder

Open this item as if double-clicking it in the Finder.

Send Raw Command…

Use this to send the server an FTP or SSH command, as though from the command line interface.


Print the file being edited in Transmit’s text editor.



Undo the last action.


Redo the last action.


Cut the currently selected item or text to the clipboard.


Copy the currently selected item or text to the clipboard.

Copy URL

Copy selected paths and URLS [Learn More] (


Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current folder or document.


Delete this item.

Select All

Select all items in this folder, or all the text in this document.


These mostly apply to Transmit’s built-in editor:

  • Find: Locate a string in the current document or selection.
  • Find Next: Jump to the next match.
  • Find Previous: Jump to the previous match.
  • Use Selection for Find: Grab the currently selected text and use it for future Find operations.
  • Jump to Selection: Jump to the selected text in the current document.

Spelling, Substitutions, and Speech

These menus, standard in macOS, apply to Transmit’s built-in editor.


Local Browser

Toggle the display of the local file browser pane. If it’s visible, this will hide it, if it’s not, this will show it.

Remote Browser

Toggle the remote file browser pane.

Show Transfers

Show the Transfer Queue pane.

as Thumbnails

Show the contents of the current file browser pane as thumbnail icons.

as Column

Show the contents of the current file browser pane as in column browser mode.

as List

Show the contents of the current file browser pane as a list.

as Cover Flow

Show the contents of the current file browser pane in Cover Flow mode.


Fetch a new listing for the root folder in the current file browser.

Note that in List view, only the file browser pane’s root folder is refreshed. This does not recurse into opened subfolders.

Show/Hide Hidden files

Toggle the display of files and folders with names beginning with a dot, for example .htaccess. This setting can be overridden for specific items with a custom Rule pane.

Note: When this setting is disabled, Transmit will not transfer hidden files, even if they are being displayed via a rule.

Show/Hide Places bar

Toggle the display of the Places bar at the top of a file browser. The Places bar gives you quick access to your frequently used folders.

Show/Hide Item Count

Toggle the display of the item count for the current folder.

Show View options

Open the View Options window, where you can manage settings related to the File Browser views.

Show/Hide Activity Bar

View progress of file transfers in Activity Bar at the bottom of Transmits window.

Show/Hide Places bar

Toggle the display of the Places bar at the top of a file browser. The Places bar gives you quick access to your frequently used folders.

Show One File Browser

When two file browsers are visible, keep the currently focused browser visible, and hide the inactive one.

Customize Toolbar…

Add or remove items from the toolbar at the top of the window.

Enter/Exit Full Screen

Toggle Full Screen mode

Focus on Local

Bring focus to the Local file browser. (If you have two local file browsers, this will focus the file browser on the left.)

Focus on Remote

Bring focus to the Remote file browser. (If you have two remote file browsers, this will focus the file browser on the right.)

Text Encoding

Specify the Text Encoding used in Transmit’s built-in editor.



Jump back to the last-viewed folder.


Jump forward to the folder you viewed after this one.

Enclosing Folder

Jump to the parent of the current folder.

Go to Folder…

Enter a path to navigate to. This is useful if you need to navigate to a folder that is nested inside a folder to which you don’t have read access.

Open in Terminal

Open and navigate to the currently-displayed folder.

Attempt to navigate the left and right file browsers in unison. This only works well if the folder structures displayed in the left and right panes are more or less identical.

Connect To…

Start a new remote connection.

Local Places

A list of frequently used local folders.

Remote Places

A list of frequently used remote folders.


Transfer Selected Items

Begin transferring the currently selected items, or add them to the transfer queue if there are existing transfers in progress.


Stop the current operation immediately. Note that as we try to end operations gracefully, there might be a short delay as we wait for the server’s response.

Pause Transfers

Halt the transfer queue so that no new transfers will be started until the queue is resumed. Note that since FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/etc have no concept of “pause”, current transfers will be allowed to finish.


Compare the contents of the current local folder to the current remote folder, and transfer items between them so that the folder listings match.


Explicitly set the transfer mode used for transfers made via FTP or FTP over TLS/SSL.

  • Auto: In auto mode, the transfer mode is chosen according to the item’s file extension. If the extension is found in the list of ASCII File Extensions in Settings, ASCII mode is used. If not, Binary is used.
  • ASCII (Text): In ASCII mode, data is handled as 8-bit ASCII text. Some servers need to know this in order to add the correct line endings for locally storing the data as text.
  • Binary: In binary mode, the raw data is transferred with no conversion of any kind.


Add New Server

Show Quick Connect


Add Folder

Edit “Server”…

Save as Droplet…

Import SSH Key File…

Certificate Details…

Saved Servers List

Shared Servers


Import From





Select Next Tab

Select Previous Tab


Show Inspector

Bring to Front



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Transmit Help

Send Transcript to Panic…

This article was last updated on October 27, 2022