How can I use Git for version control?

If you have Git installed already, simply fill out the Git Tool Path setting in the Files pane of Coda’s Preferences.

To install git on OS X 10.9 and later, enter the following command at a Terminal prompt:

xcode-select --install

(Using OS X 10.8 or earlier? You can download Git from or install Xcode)

How can I use Subversion (svn) for version control?

Originally, Coda used the Subversion (svn) binary that was installed with every copy of Mac OS X. As of Mountain Lion (10.8), svn is no longer bundled with OS X, and must be installed manually.

To install Subversion on OS X 10.9 and later, enter the following command at a Terminal prompt:

xcode-select --install

(Using OS X 10.8 or earlier? You can grab an official binary or install Xcode)