Note: If you’re using Transmit 4 instead of Transmit 5, use the Favorites Menu in place of the Servers Menu, and use .exportedFavorites instead of .exportedServers.

On your old Mac

Start by exporting your favorites from your existing installation of Transmit:

  1. In Transmit’s menu bar, choose Servers > Export
  2. Save this file somewhere you can find it
  3. Move the .exportedServers file to your new Mac

On your new Mac

  1. Download and the latest version of Transmit from our website.
  2. Enter your serial number by choosing Unlock Transmit from the Purchase Menu.
  3. Import your favorites. In the Menubar, choose Servers > Import from > Transmit.
  4. Select the previously exported file from your old Mac.

Don’t have the old Mac?

If you don’t have access to the old Mac, but you’ve got a backup, then you’ll need to restore the following files:

Sites/Favorites: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Transmit

Passwords: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Keychains/

Can I use my copy of Transmit on multiple Macs?

Yes, as long as you are the only user. If you have multiple people that need to use Transmit, you will need one license per user.

What about the Favorites.xml file I have in Dropbox?

That file was used back in Transmit 4 when we used Dropbox to sync favorites. Dropbox deprecated the API we were using, so we removed support for Dropbox Sync in Transmit 4.4.13. The Favorites.xml file can safely be deleted from Dropbox as it cannot be imported and is no longer used in any way.